Tarot Rally

Are you a Tarot reader in search of a study group IRL (in real life)?   Does the forced gender conformity of Tarot and Divination interpretations give you the heebie-jeebies?   Do you live in the Los Angeles South Bay?

Rally Definition: /ˈralē/

Verb: people coming together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat or dispersion. To recover or cause to recover in health, spirits, or poise.

Noun: a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause.

I am currently building a private tarot study group where we won’t do any of the following:

  • Critique your Divination style
  • Evaluate whether a yes/no tarot spread is acceptable
  • Proselytize about Goddess/God as a Pagan ideal or vegan cheese
  • Ask you about your Tarot Card of the Day
  • Berate/Belittle/Bully you about how often you study divination, or if Thoth is better than RWS
  • Force you to read using the Tree of Life, unless you want to
  • Discuss Crowley’s method, the applications of Stang magick, or other misogynistic based memes

Instead, our goals are to:

  • Provide a comfortable space where diviners can find quiet encouragement and support from other enthusiasts
  • Cowork on divine projects of any kind you deem worthy
  • Drink copious amounts of tea, coffee, or the (legal) beverage of your choice
  • Meet monthly

There is no cost to attend, but there will also be no specific mentoring provided. There are no assignments, no group divining journal prompts, and no predetermined topics of discussion. However, companionable socializing in your library voice is encouraged, especially if you’d like to share an especially juicy epiphany from your current spread.

You’ll get out of it, what you put into it.

If you are interested, send me a note through the contact page and use the keyword “Rally” in your message.  We’ll discuss group meet-up times and see if you’re good fit.

Please note that this is a small group that will be limited to 8 maximum participants. Once we reach our max, the group will be closed.